Glas-Col 100D TM115PL Series TM 5000mL Round-Bottom Flask Heating Mantle and Controller Package, 230 VAC, includes the PowrTrol power controller. The PowrTrol is a solid-state, proportional-voltage control that provides precise manual control of the output range, which is adjustable from 3-100%. The Series TM spherical flask mantle is aluminum housed to provide strength and durability while supporting the weight of the vessel. Fabric interior to softly nest glass vessels and reduce the chance of thermal shock. Withstands 450° C internal operating temperature. The Series TM spherical flask mantle covers only the flask's bottom half, letting you see its full contents. Larger sizes have multiple circuits for ease of temperature control when a flask is less than half full. Splash Guards can be used with H1300-5 through H1300-10E. Poncho Safety Shields can be used with sizes 500 mL and larger.